MFP Grants
The Mountain Forum for Peace administers a rolling-deadline grants program with a strong focus on local, community-based projects. Regional, national, and international projects are also considered.
Application Guidelines
Our purpose is to learn how to bring peace into our personal lives, to support others in striving to live a life of non-violence, and to encourage awareness of the many diverse ways of living.
Does the request fit all of the following criteria?
Does the project align with the MFP mission?
Are the goals clear, observable, and measurable?
Is the action suggested by the goal viable/achievable?
Do the qualifications of the applicants match the work?
Does the potential impact rise to the level of the award?
Requirements of the grant recipient:
Cite the Mountain Forum for Peace on all project documentation, including printed materials, websites, social media posts, and wherever appropriate.
Use granted funds only for the purpose requested in the initial application. Major amendments to project activities must be approved by the MFP board.
Submit a Final Report within 30 days of completion of the project.
Contribute to MFP public outreach efforts in a forum or other manner to be determined.
Note: Most awards are $1,000 or less.